Early this year, I was scheduled to attend the BCBSA 2008 Information Management Symposium held in Portland, Oregon in the third week of September, I waited until the last minute to book the flight, thought it would be an exhausting three days sitting in sessions that I was obliged to participate, little did I know it turned out to be a memorable trip as the City of Roses has captured my heart.
I flew out of Oakland airport on Alaska Airlines early Sunday morning. It's only five hundred and forty-three miles and the flight took one hour and fifty-five minutes. By the time when I checked into Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront hotel, it's already noon. Since the symposium's registration and the welcome reception didn't start until 5:00 pm, and after the failed attempt, as none of the tour agents work on Sunday, by the hotel concierge to book a city tour for me, I decided to explore the city on my own.
Portland, Oregon is a city located near the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette rivers, where the Willamette runs through its downtown. It has ten drawbridges, that drawn up for the passages of riverboats, link the east and west side of the city, and a four-mile loop of walkway around the riverbank. My hotel is situated on the far south end on the water front.
After lunch, I walked past a stretch of boutique shops, outdoor cafes, Standford's restaurant along the riverbank to catch the Streetcar to Powell's bookstore. Portland Streetcar is owned and operated by the City of Portland, free to public within the city center. I hopped into the first car in sight, just to find out it's a southbound car to the direction of Oregon Health and Science University when a friendly couple told me so. I needed to take the northbound car that runs through downtown.
As the sun gradually set, the streets were flooded with warm rays of sunshine inviting me to explore more, yet I didn't have enough time to visit the International Rose Test Garden, a five plus acres garden in Washington Park. Legend has it that in the early 1900's Portland had twenty miles of rose-bordered streets, as a result, Portland was known as "City of Roses".
After consulting my visitor's map, I decided to walk back to the hotel through Tom McCall Waterfront Park that runs along the west bank of the Willamette river for the length of downtown. It's approximate twenty blocks from the Chinese Garden to my hotel in a pleasant forty-five minutes walk.
There were two outings on the schedules of the Symposium, wine testing and dinner at Willamette Valley Vineyards on Monday night and Columbia River Gorge tour on Tuesday afternoon.
Willamette Valley Vineyards is in Salem, the capital of Oregon, located approximate fifty miles south of Portland. The tour lady explained how they make the different kind of wine, the labels made from different grapes from different vineyards, and the distinct test of each label. Since I am not a wine drinker, I didn't remember anything that she said. But I enjoyed the outing after a day of sessions sitting in the hotel conference rooms.
Tuesday afternoon's we picked up our own lunch box, boarded a bus heading to Columbia River Gorge, "a spectacular river canyon cutting the only sea-level route through the Cascade Mountain Range, 80 miles long and up to 4,000 feet deep with the north canyon walls in Washington State and the south canyon walls in Oregon State." It's so beautiful that I want to come back for a hiking vacation. I was so taken by the natural beauty that I wish to capture it with a better camera. Fortunately, there are so many great images on the Internet free for all to see.
Our third and the last stop was the Columbia Gorge Hotel, a well-appointed Italian style villa built in 1921 with sweeping view of the river. It's such an enchanting place that I wish to come for a few days.
With an hour drive back to the hotel, we were late for dinner and a jazz concert, said so our bus driver and tour guide. Reluctantly, I got on the bus again wishing that I could stay a little longer.
The jazz concert was so loud, not my type of music, I slipped out of it with two of my colleagues right after dinner. We took a nice walk along the riverbank, ended up in McCormick's Fish House & Bar for a drink. I knew it when Stefan and Smit walked out of the concert with me that they would find an excuse for another drink. It's amazing to see how they opened up telling me about their family lives outside the office. We left the bar after an hour, I went to the exercise room for another thirty minutes on the treadmill, and they went to the bar in the hotel for another drink.
I left Portland for California around 2:30 pm on Wednesday, the last day of the Symposium. On my way home, I kept thinking how unusual it is that I left my heart in Portland, a city more European than American, a city so clean, made for walkers, the Powell's bookstore, the gardens, and the rivers are so attractive to me that I want to visit again.
^ ^v Wow, it was great business trip. Portland is very European style. Thanks for sharing. 試著打中文看這weblog可否顯示中文.好像可以!而且不是google/blogger member都可留言,真好,和YAHOO Taiwan blog 不同,也許我的blog真該搬家了!哈!
ReplyDeleteYes, I did have a wonderful trip. I-Sang said that she wish to take the trip with me. I often think it's a great idea that anyone of your brothers and sisters can take vacation with me.