Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Last Gifts, by Jillian Brasch

My Dad was very ill for 7 months before he past away in 2005. When he was dying, I was looking for books that would give me practically ways, in addition to pray, to take care of him during the final journey of his life, but I found so little available. I finally realized that in the American culture that people in general are not comfortable around someone who is either dying or whose loved one is dying. It's very different from the culture in Taiwan where I was originally from. I felt so lonely and isolated then, wishing that there were more supports out there for me while I was dealing with the illness of my Dad.

I appreciate Ms. Jillian Brasch's contribution in this scarce field in a practically way. I highly recommend her book to anyone who needs it.


  1. 嗨!玉燕姐,我的父母親已經去世二十多年,我還時常夢見他們,甚至是相同的夢境,總是在夢中驚覺為什麼好久沒有打電話或回去看他們,直到明白他們已經不在人間才驚醒。您遠離故鄉,心情一定比我更加痛苦,甚麼時候回台灣請告訴我好嗎?God bless you!

  2. Thanks 文雅 for you are always very kind. It's not easy for me to talk about the passing of my Dad since he didn't have an easy one. But I will write it when I am ready.

    I will certainly let you know for my next trip to Taiwan, most likey sometime next year.

