Monday, November 3, 2008

What a hectic October!

I can't believe it's already November and Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner. I was so busy at work this October that I worked two weekends in a row, but the work still keeps coming and my responsibility keeps increasing. There is no end in sight, at lease not for another five years in this 350 million dollar program!

In today's staff meeting, my boss told me to start planning the resources (time, cost, staff) for two new projects that I will be managing. It's exciting yet scary, how am I going to juggle them in addition to what I am doing now? Oh, boy! I just have to manage it!

One would think work should slow down as one approaches retirement in less than ten years, but that's not the case for me. I keep getting more and more responsibility as I get older. Is there anything wrong with it? When can I slow down and smell the roses?

1 comment:

  1. 原來10月份姑那麼忙碌啊 @@ 忙歸忙 身體也要顧
    哈 我明天星期六也要來上班...
    加油加油 工作是為了實現生活、滿足生活
    定年就是退休 他快70歲了
    不懂規劃 無聊生活讓他身體頓時走下坡
    一個月後他又申請復職 一晃又過了10年
    這回非退不可啦 已是公司級限.....
    希望這回 除了工作外 他能再次找到生活的目標重心
    對了 ...最近我表弟閃電註冊結婚
    11/8將帶著新娘啟程到LA工作三個月 @@
